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Mercury has been designed and created by one of the industry’s most knowledgeable database management experts; the same expert that Rocket Software leverages to update their UniData and UniVerse Administration exams.


Mercury performs extensive analysis of your database files and suggests new parameters for peak performance and then automatically implements the changes upon your approval. Mercury allows you to specify specific criteria on a per file basis, so that you can override Mercury’s recommendations in special circumstances.


One of the problems associated with Multivalue resizing is that once your database files have been resized and once new data is added, the file has begun the process of becoming incorrectly sized. As each day passes and more and more data is added, the files become less efficient.


To solve this issue, Mercury learns how the database grows and then uses the knowledge to calculate not only the current file size, but the optimal file size that will handle future data. This ensures that files will still be correctly sized days, weeks, even months later.


Mercury also collects and provides extensive statistics about your database files, and on some systems it can even perform file repairs when an issue is discovered.


In the event of an emergency recovery after a system crash, or any other unplanned event, with one click Mercury, can instantly perform validation on the most important database files so that you can verify the database integrity as quickly as possible.


Mercury is currently supported on UniData, UniVerse and Open



Mercury Flash Mobile is here!


Mercury Flash Mobile supports critical features for analysis, resizing, corruption repairs and file conversion, as well as other various utilities.


With Mercury Flash Mobile, database administrators can easily handle database issues, repair file corruption and handle users, record locks and other important tasks from anywhere, right from their smart phone.


The addition of Mercury Flash Mobile, takes MultiValue database administration to the next level and liberate the database administrator from the confides of a laptop, so they can easily manage your database from anywhere, such as the beach, or even while standing in line at Disney World as they eagerly wait to experience the latest Star Wars Galaxy's Edge adventure.



Your Database files aren't the only thing that needs to be analyzed. 


New to Mercury Flash 5.3.2 are Software Analysis tools that allow you to examine the details of your UniBasic source code. 


A simple scan will tell you everything you need to know about your software, and how all that software is connected, what files are accessed, the variables used, and even some observations and recommendations to improve your software.


The Mercury Flash Software Analysis tools can display all your files, and identify which programs access that files. You can even identify orphaned subroutines and functions that are not being utilized. 


File analysis and database tuning are paramount in keeping a system operating at peak performance. If you have not been resizing your files on a regular basis, your system is wasting valuable resources by performing unnecessary disk I/O, while large portions of disk space become unusable.


It is recommended that all files should be routinely analyzed to calculate the proper file size by determining the correct modulo and separation. Once determined, these values must be implemented by resizing each file on the system.


A common misconception is that dynamic files automatically resize themselves. In theory, dynamic files are supposed to split as data is added and merge when data is deleted. In reality this process is not as quick or accurate as users are lead to believe. In reality, dynamic files often result in excessive overflow or too much unusable disk space locked away inside each group.


Unfortunately Multivalue vendors do not include sufficient tools to manage this process. As a result many organizations must either hire an expensive database administrator to manage their systems, or obtain the assistance of their database vendor to help with this long and tedious task. When you compare the cost of hiring a database administrator to perform this task to the cost of Mercury, the return-on-investment can easily be determined, and a business case in support of Mercury is apparent.


Once Mercury has been installed and is running, user access is achieved via any most web browsers including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Opera. As a browser based system, Mercury allows nearly any non-technical user to easily access and manage the database via a web browser. This means you do not have to be a database expert to tune your system and you won’t need to install a client application on your workstation and limit database activities to a specific workstation.


With familiar point and click options, Mercury provides a fast and natural feel that is easy to learn and easy to use. You can even schedule file analysis, resizing and even file repairs, for a total set-it-and-forget-it environment.



Mercury is browser based and therefore can be accessed from any device with a modern browser. This means you can access and manage your Multivalue database from anywhere in the world, and since Mercury Flash supports all the latest security protocols you can use SSL/TLS to keep your data secure*.


To the right you will see an actual screen  capture of a test performed on a Mercury Flash server by a client using SSL and two factor authentication for remote administration of their UniData environment.


Mercury Flash uses adaptive connection monitoring to automatically detect unauthorized access attempts and when a threat is detected, Mercury Flash can automatically lockout connections from threatening locations.

*OpenQM from Zumasys does not currently support SSL/TLS encryption and therefore is not recommended for access outside of a protected network.


Screen shot of Mercury Test Results of a client site using Qualys SSL Labs.



Mercury is designed to be customizable. Based on the concept of a Web based desktop, you have the option of placing widgets and commonly used shortcut anywhere on the Mercury desktop, allowing you to easily monitor the the parameters you choose. You can even add external widgets to the desktop which means you can create your own widgets.


Mercury even has the ability to monitor external data collection devices, bring the IoT to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

About Mercury

To the right you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about Mercury Flash. 


If you have a question that is not answered on this page, then please feel free to contact us with your questions by clicking the button below.

  • Can't I just use Dynamic files and forget about resizing?
    Dynamic files are sImply another form of hashed file, and many users think they are self sizing. Dynamic files are not a magic file system that never needs to be analyzed or resized. It is true that Dynamic files can split and merge groups as needed based on a percentage of data present in the group, but this process is not as quick as some may think. Additionally, Dynamic files do NOT adjust the size of the groups as more data is added to an individual record. Therefore as your records can grow in size as more multivalued and subvalued data is added, you will quickly find that overflow is out of control. Mercury Flash is designed to monitor and determine the optimal modulo and separation (block size), reducing critical overflow and improving data read and write speeds.
  • Are there other companies creating MV Database tools?
    Yes, but unlike other companies, Paradigm Systems is dedicated to Multivalue performance and database tuning. Unlike other companies that have multiple products to manage, Paradigm Systems sole focus is Multivalue database performance.
  • Is there a trial version of Mercury Flash available?
    Yes. In fact we insit you try Mercury Flash before you buy. We want to make sure your experience with Mercury Flash is a positive one. Please contact us with any questions you may have about a software trial.
  • What Multivalue databases does Mercury Flash support?
    Currently Mercury Flash is supported on UniData and UniVerse from Rocket Software and openQM from Zumasys?
  • Are there plans to support Mercury Flash on jBase from Zumasys?
    Yes. Our development team is currently in the process of porting Mercury Flash to jBase. We do not have a date as yet.
  • Are there plans to support Mercury Flash on D3?
    Our development team is currently in the process of evaluating the possability of porting to D3. Our initial analysis indicates that D3 is missing some core functionality required by Mercury Flash. Please monitor our News page for updates on this matter.
  • Why shouldn’t I just use the manufacturers built in tools?
    Your database manufacturer has focused on creating a great database, and they may have some built in commands for file sizing, but they don’t spend a lot of time on the management side of the database. At Paradigm Systems, Multivalue database management is our focus.


Mercury Brochure

Click here to view the Mercury Brochure and read about how Mercury can help.

Explainer Video

Click the video above to watch a short explainer and learn what Mercury can do for you.

Promotional Video

Click this video to watch and learn the importance of properly managing your U2 database.


Demo Video

Click this video to watch a short demonstration of Mercury Flash.


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